About Paddleboard Batheaston.

What we do…

Stand Up Paddleboarding has exploded in popularity over the last few years. It’s a hugely accessible pastime and with more and more people getting out on the river, many are looking for some direct help to paddle better, further and safer.

Paddleboard Batheaston is all about helping both those new to the sport and those with designs on taking it further to build their skills and experience and have fun doing it. We think every session should be fun, safe and progressive.

We listen to what you need to get out of a session, whether its better skills, refining your balance, understanding water safety or familiarising yourself with new kit. You may just want a guide around a new route that stretches your horizons a little, or to take your family out with a knowledgable guide.

Whatever you want from SUP - we aim to be your personal trainer on the water and are sure you will leave each session invigorated, enthused and more confident!

Session Types…

One to One Tuition

Whether your’e a first time paddleboarder, a relative novice or a paddler with quite a bit of experience under your belt, a dedicated hour of one-on-one can be a great way to progress fast, unlock speed and agility on the water plus improve your confidence.

We also offer 1:1 sessions of up to to 2.5hrs if you would like longer on the water.

Small Group Tuition

Ideal for small groups wanting a high degree of supervision and tuition or families wanting a safe and supervised paddling session.
We will tailor the session to your needs, focusing on skills, safety, fun and enjoyment for all. We even have a few fun games to try!

We normally recommend a maximum group size of 4, but up to 8 can be arranged.

Guided Trips

If you are preparing to venture out further on your own, a guided trip is a great way to pick up essential safety tips and advice. You may just want to enjoy a day’s paddle on a new stretch of river while learning or honing new skills. These sessions are by nature, longer and more relaxed. We can arrange circular or out-and-return routes in some fabulous locations over half or full days.

Session Content…

Better Balance

If you already have a little experience but want to damp out those wobbles or still find getting up on your feet a bit of a challenge, lets spend some time helping you find your ‘sea legs’.

We have a raft of tips and tricks to make balancing your board easier, even on choppy waters.

Paddle Technique

If you want to make your paddling easier, quicker and straighter, then let us spend some time helping you develop a smooth and efficient paddling style.
We have lots of useful exercises that will unlock a faster, more progressive stroke and reduce the number of times you need to change sides!

Advanced Turns

Moving around your board with confidence allows you to unlock turning moves that are graceful, powerful and above all, useful.
We can help you discover how to competently shift around your board and coordinate paddle strokes that will give you new command over your SUP and boost your manoeuvring skills.


Whatever type of SUP you own and wherever you are heading to paddle, safety is your first concern. In all our sessions we will cover lots of tips and advice to keep you and your fellow paddlers safe at all times.
Whether it’s rescue techniques, pre-paddle planning or what kit you should never be on the water without, we will help you build up the essential safety knowledge to venture out on the water with.

Try a different SUP

Thanks to our partnership with Aquaplanet and Hurley, we have access to a wide range of different SUP types and styles.

Why not use your session to try out a 14 foot touring board, a nimble surf-sup, super stable whitewater board or a super slick 12’6 Racer?

It’s fun and a great way to broaden your SUP experience!